Mary Philip (a.k.a. Joy)
Assistant Principal; Professor; MDiv Program Coordinator; Director, Centre for Earth Consciousness and Gender Justice
I am an Indian (from India) and was a professor of Zoology in Bangalore, India, before I took my doctorate in Systematic Theology from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.
I am trained to be a zoology teacher and theologian but my journey has taken me to places that I had not planned to go, and to vocations that I had not envisioned engaging in. But to the places I go, I try to represent the place that is in me. And to the vocations I find myself called to, I try to invocate the passion that is in me, and convoke the resources that are available to me.
- MSc (Zoology), Gandhiji University, India, 1985.
- MA, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, 2003.
- PhD, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, 2009.
Feel free to view my Meet the Prof @LutherWaterloo video.
My dissertation, “Can Humanization be Salvation: A Journey with the Musings of Juan Luis Segundo, Madathiparambil Mammen Thomas and Arundhati Roy,” is a dialogue between peoples and communities from different contexts on the basic question of what it means to be human.
I am committed to DEJ (Diversity, Equity and Justice), and Decolonial praxis in all aspects of my teaching and research.
Research / Areas of Expertise
- Eco-theology and Eco-justice
- Earth based Wisdoms and Traditions
- Women and Theology
- Gender Justice
- Third World Theologies
- Postcolonial Theology
- Earth Charter Citizen Award (2021)
- LWF Grants (2019, 2020)
- WLU Travel Grant (2019)
- ELCA Grant for International Conference Presentation (2012)
I am available for supervision in areas of Third World Theology, Eco-theology/Eco-justice. Interdisciplinary areas such as Women and Theology, Religion and Science, are areas where I am interested to provide guidance as well.
Religion, Sustainability and Education: Pedagogy, perspectives and Praxis towards Ecological Sustainability, Mary Philip, Chad Rimmer, Tom S. Tomren, Eds., Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Lutheran World Federation: Embla Akademisk, 2021.
Articles/Chapters in books, Presentations, Interviews
“Variegated Lutheran Theology in the Context of 21st Century Idols,” in The Crux of Theology: Luther’s Teachings and Our Work for Freedom, Justice, and Peace. Edited by Kristen E. Kvam and Allen G. Jorgenson. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books-Fortress Academic, 2022. 113-131.
“Climate and Gender Justice: Connecting Struggles and Shared Language.” Presentation, ACT Advocacy Academy panel for ACT Alliance Gender Justice Programme (5th October 2022, 13:00 – 14:30 CEST, Geneva).
“From Words to Action: Climate Finance and Gender Justice.” Presentation, UN Commission on Status of Women Event, March 16, 2022.
“Non-violence and Peace,” interview with Animal Concepts, July 2022.
“Introduction,” in Religion, Sustainability and Education: Pedagogy, perspectives and Praxis towards Ecological Sustainability, Mary Philip, Chad Rimmer, Tom S. Tomren, Eds., Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Lutheran World Federation: Embla Akademisk, 2021.
“Women: Eco-warriors,” in Religion, Sustainability and Education: Pedagogy, perspectives and Praxis towards Ecological Sustainability, Mary Philip, Chad Rimmer, Tom S. Tomren, Eds., Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Lutheran World Federation: Embla Akademisk, 2021.
"Foreword and a few more words," Consensus: Vol. 42 : Iss. 2 , Article 1, 2021.
“Gender and Climate,” Dialogues to increase Climate Action focus on LAC region, Lutheran World Federation, May 25, 2021.
“Anger, Resistance and Hope: Black, Feminist and Decolonising Theologies for Gender Justice,” Presentation. 16 Days of Activism Event with Lutheran World Federation, World Council of Churches, Side by Side and ACT Alliance, December 2021.
“Revisiting the Earth Charter: Where are We, What did we Choose, 19 Years later?,” in Earth Charter, Education and the Sustainable Development Goal 4.7: Research, Experiences and Reflections, Mirian Vilela, Alicia Jimenez, Eds., Costa Rica: Earth Charter International Publications, December 2020. 239-250
“Revisando la Carta de la Tierra: ¿Dónde estamos y qué elegimos dos décadas después?” La Carta de la Tierra, Educación y el Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 4.7: Investigación, Experiencias y Reflexiones, Mirian Vilela, Alicia Jimenez, Eds., Costa Rica: Earth Charter International Publications, December 2020. 251-260.
Creativity: Key to living through COVID and looking beyond COVID, The “map of life” methodology as a formative experience in the construction of gender justice, Faculdades-EST, Sao Leopoldo, Brazil.
Can Humanization be Salvation: A Journey with the Musings of Juan Luis Segundo, Madathiparambil Mammen Thomas and Arundhati Roy. Wipf and Stock Publishers.