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Practicum Evaluation

Students in the Luther clinical placement program are required to attain a minimum of 160 Direct Client Contact hours (DCC). Students and their supervisors are to complete two evaluation forms each documenting these hours and the kinds of activities in which they have engaged while in their placement. They will each fill out their evaluation form during the placement and another at the end of the placement. 


Once student and supervisor have filled out their evaluations each time, they will meet to discuss the evaluations. They will then sign the Evaluation Confirmation form indicating that they have met and discussed the evaluations. Finally, the student will upload all three documents (student evaluation, supervisor evaluation, evaluation confirmation) to their MyLS dropbox.


The first set of evaluations (mid-placement) are due during the second week of January.
The second set of evaluations are due during the first week of April.

The program uses the final evaluation to document the student’s clinical progress in the placement. For the final evaluation, please report hours for the entire placement.

Contact the Practicum Coordinator about any concerns. We would be happy to receive any feedback about this evaluation form.

Full Evaluation Process:

  1. Student completes evaluation form
  2. Supervisor completes evaluation form
  3. Student and supervisor meet to go over evaluations
  4. Student signs evaluation confirmation form
  5. Supervisor signs evaluation confirmation form
  6. Student uploads all documents to course dropbox (MyLS)

Evaluation Form


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