Centre for Spirituality and Media
The Centre for Spirituality and Media is a vibrant and dynamic entity within Martin Luther University College. It brings together the community of Luther with the wider body of the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, and its partners in the ecumenical and justice communities, to explore the ways in which we engage our spirituality through media. It is a project of Luther, in association with the Eastern Synod of the ELCIC.
Sherry Coman is associate professional faculty at Luther and deacon for spirituality and internet outreach in the Eastern Synod of the ELCIC. She also creates/curates the Lutherans Connect devotional projects. She brings a lifetime of professional and educational work in theology, film, media, theatre and the arts to her vision as the centre's founder and director.
The church, in its ongoing evolution of a relationship to media, will need to rely on the faith of its members, a faith which will be formed more and more over media itself. Therefore, a primary goal of the centre for Spirituality and Media is to create programming that will both guide personal spirituality and deepen the church’s understanding of how to do its mission online.
The centre's events will appeal to, and reach out to, students and faculty of Luther and Laurier; clergy and lay leaders of the Eastern Synod; and ecumenical partners in faith and justice initiatives in Waterloo Region and beyond.
"What Is Spirituality?" Zoom series
'What's in a word?' Starting on Oct. 8, Deacon Sherry Coman will begin a brand new series of conversations with guests reflecting on what we mean by the word, 'spirituality.' How can so many diverse meanings be found in the one term? Over the coming months, we will explore the relationship between 'spirituality' and 'religion,' and what is meant by the term, "spiritual, but not religious." What are your own meanings of the word?