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Luther student explores Liberation Theology in support of Truth and Reconciliation

Capstone project: Liberation Theology in support of Truth and Reconciliation in Canada
Romaissa Vendredi
BA Christian Studies and Global Citizenship, Class of 2023

Luther undergraduate student Romaisa Vendredi conducted research on how Christian communities can put faith in action by applying Liberation Theology to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action.

Her research focused on examining the role of Christians in Canada regarding reconciliation, as well as exploring the potential future dynamics between Christian and Indigenous communities.

Vendredi's research primarily drew upon secondary sources, with a strong emphasis on Indigenous authors. In addition, she employed research methods and approaches that were rooted in Indigenous methodologies and frameworks.

“There is a lot of conversation surrounding truth and reconciliation, but it is often just left as words,” said Vendredi. “Both of these words hold significant meaning and should not be taken lightly.”

The notion of impactful action towards reconciliation became a key underlying factor of Vendredi’s capstone topic and presentation to her peers and instructors.

“Christians have a key role in this. We have had many opportunities to listen and learn, which we should continue to do, but we can no longer remain ignorant and apathetic while we live on stolen, colonized land.”

Vendredi explored the varied ways of understanding how those living in Canada can move forward with existing frameworks for restoring and rebuilding relationships based on Indigenous ways of being.

“There are differences in terms of a Christian and Indigenous perspective, but there are also similarities and in that we can find common ground,” said Vendredi. “As I considered the complexity of the issues affecting Indigenous peoples and where we are currently at, Liberation theology is merely a starting point.”

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