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Alumna in Action: Victoria Featherston (MDiv '23) Celebrates Ordination

Luther alumna Victoria Featherston (MDiv '23) is channeling her passion for social justice and advocacy into her ministry work.

Featherston is a graduate of the Master of Divinity (MDiv) program, and was officially ordained on Mar. 10. The teachings she experienced at Luther continue to have a significant impact on her life, shaping the ways in which she approaches her work as a newly ordained pastor.

"Luther was and continues to be a transformative learning experience for me. I learned the importance of authenticity, of reciprocity, and of mutual learning. With this came a need of being aware of my privilege as a white, cis-gender, queer woman and knowing the importance of listening alongside, not speaking for, those crying from the margins," Featherston said.


From left to right: Kristine Lund, Mary (Joy) Phillip, Victoria
Featherston, Bishop Michael Pryse, Allen Jorgenson and
Anne Anderson.

The MDiv program helped develop her understanding of a variety of concepts and ideas that have been integral to her journey so far, ranging from "brave spaces" to the path of language and meaning. 

"I have described the 'Kingdom of God' as 'the ultimate kitchen party' in the past, a cyclical space and time frame where all are welcome and there is a place at the open table for everyone. My education at Luther taught me that 'brave spaces' — or cultivating spaces that are holy ground where truth can be spoken without fear of judgement, discrimination, or violence as there are no guarantees that all spaces can be safe," Featherston said. 

"In my Lutheran confessions and introduction to pastoral care courses, I was given the language to name the 'theology of the cross' or the broken places and spaces where we meet God in the world in the most unexpected ways. This language has helped me in making meaning when journeying alongside those who are in both the joyous times of their lives and when they find themselves in the wilderness," she said. 

Featherston's path led her to face challenges that ultimately ended up being an impactful part of her ministry education. 

"During my internship I was challenged to take risks — this challenge invited me to bring my entire self into all that I am and all that I do in my ministry. I learned the beauty of serving God and others through hybrid worship and the skill of pivoting in times of crisis. Being a pastor is an honour and a privilege and it truly takes a village through the process which is a journey and not a destination."

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